Slack App
Your design assets
Slack App

filebloc. makes managing digital assets a breeze!
Upload, edit, search, and share files directly from Slack.

Discover a new level of collaboration

Filebloc enables your team to effortlessly manage Assets, whether it's images, graphics, icons, or files right within Slack!

Drag and drop
Smart search
Link generation
Version control
Manage Permission

Cloud integration

Integration with Cloud Storage

Seamlessly connect Filebloc with your cloud storage solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, Cloudflare, Jira, etc. to centralize assets and ensure redundancy.

Google Drive

Design tool integration

Figma Plug-in

Integration with Figma, a game-changer for design asset management.
Our upcoming plugin will redefine the way you handle assets, allowing a fluid transition from Figma to code.

Build faster

Maximize Productivity, Minimize Hassle:
Filebloc for Tech Teams

Managing design assets effectively is critical for tech teams. Filebloc simplifies this process, enabling you to perform all these tasks directly within Slack.

Streamline Actions

Perform actions like viewing, updating, deleting, downloading, and copying asset links within seconds.

Smart Search

Find exactly what you need with advanced AI search options based on labels, descriptions, folders, and more.

Version Control and History

Keep track of asset versions and access a full history, ensuring you're always using the latest iteration.

Centralized Asset Library

Easily organize and access all your design assets from one centralized location within Slack.

Permission Controls and Access Levels

Set specific permissions and access levels for different team members. Control who can view, edit, or manage assets, enhancing security and collaboration within the team.

Real-Time Notifications

Receive real-time alerts and notifications within Slack when new assets are uploaded, or when there are updates or comments on assets.


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Choose an affordable plan that’s packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving sales.


Up to 10 users with 100gb free data!

$20 /month

100GB free storage
Mangage Permissions
Upload directly from Slack
Unlimited file search on Slack
Full access to app features
48-hour support response time


A plan that scales with your growing business

$2 /user

200GB free storage!
Manage Permissions from Slack
Upload directly from Slack
Unlimited file search on Slack
Full access to web app features
24-hour support response time


Custom pricing based on organisational needs and scale.

Let's talk

Contact Us
More than 50 users
On-demand customer support
Customizable web app features
Auto-scales with your team
Fine-grained API access

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